Main motive of this blog

to inspire people who are pissed off with their lifes, and need an immediate change, here we are to help all of them. but before anybody help you, you gotta help yourself too .... enjoy your day ....

Wednesday 12 September 2012

5 Steps to Being Happy and Sparklingly Positive

                        stay happy stay positive !

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. 
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour. 
Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. 
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.                                                                      - Mahatma Gandhi.

An interesting thing happens when you begin to make positive changes in your life.

Let’s say you decide, “Yes! I really do want to live life on my own terms!” what shows up almost immediately is everything that’s not ok, NOT on your terms. It’s like you’re suddenly noticing all the things you were previously tolerating.
And no one has been inspired by what they’re tolerating.


That’s because you’re wired to notice all the things you don’t want. It’s a human thing (nothing to beat yourself up about!) and useful because it will inevitably lead you to clarity on what you DO want.
Psychologist and brain researcher Dr.Rick hanson says our brains are “Velcro for negativity and Teflon for positivity.” 
Basically that means we all have a negativity bias, that our negative experiences stick to us like velcro while our positive experiences slide right off us like Teflon.


What’s an area of your life that’s not going your way at the moment? Pick just one, or maybe a circumstance like the workshop example I shared. Now using that area, answer each of the following questions:
1. What’s working? (Something is always working. Be specific.)
2. What’s not working? (Again, be specific.)
3. What’s missing that you didn’t produce the results you wanted? (Or said another way, what got in the way of it going your way?)
4. What opportunities do you now see? (These could be new ones or ones you may have thought of before.)
Funny thing about the workshop was that I got really positive feedback and the organizer of the event said it was my best one ever. Same event, different assessment. Notice my negativity bias vs. the organizer’s positive feedback.
My wiring had distorted my thinking; kind of like blowing an internal fuse!
Once you’ve answered #4, you’ll typically find yourself feeling energized, positive and even excited. It really is deceptively simple.
Which brings us to the fifth question. . .
5. What’s my next action? 
Because of course, by now you know that sitting around just dreaming of the someday future you’d like isn’t going to work. You still have to take action.
There is a secret when it comes to taking action. . .
It’s that not ANY old action will do.
I’m talking about action that’s inspired by your values and your vision.
Because that’s what living your life your way takes – consistent, inspired action.
Tip: Inspired action usually feels great. It energizes you and lights you up from the inside out, and you find yourself doing more with less struggle.
Here’s the other awesome thing Dr. Hanson said, “We need to engage positive experiences actively to weave them into the brain.” 
                                                                  The secret

The more you use the debrief, the more you’ll rewire your brain for positivity.
The good news is you don’t have to do it alone. Tia (aka the queen of all things positive and sparkly) has just the thing to help you out with her 30 day.


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