Main motive of this blog

to inspire people who are pissed off with their lifes, and need an immediate change, here we are to help all of them. but before anybody help you, you gotta help yourself too .... enjoy your day ....

Wednesday 7 November 2012

How To Achieve Goal/Dreams.

                    The Secret Of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started

         Setting goals is easy, but working towards them, making life changes, and starting new habits is difficult. Long after the sparkle of starting something new wears off, you may still have a long way to go towards reaching that goal, or doing something every single day. It can be tough, but one of the best ways to turn ideas into goal and habits into lifestyles is to take your self-improvement public, where your friends and the world can see. Let's look at why the collective is such a powerful tool, and how you can harness it.

            Setting Goals Is Easy, but Getting Started Is Everything.

You can probably run off a good list of things you've always wanted to do if you had the time off the top of your head right now. That's a good thing—it means you have goals, even if you feel like you don't have the time or the energy to work towards them. That feeling is natural too—we all wish we had more hours in the day. The key to beating back the procrastination is to find a method that encourages you to just get started on your goals, and then let the momentum carry you.

Promising yourself that you're going to exercise or go for a run every day is good, but the only person you're accountable to is yourself. If you manage to rationalize past your willpower, there go your goals—down the drain.

        You can visualize your progress and stick to it. Instead, make those goals public. Share them with your friends and family, and share your progress towards your goals with them. By doing so, you're accountable to a broad group of people who all have your best interests in mind, and you have to answer to them when you skip a workout, give up training for your marathon, or start smoking again.

              You're Ready to Begin: Just do what your heart tells you to do


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